Naomi House & Jacksplace pay dozen red rose peppercorn rent

Group of adults and two children stood together holding roses and smiling in sunny garden at Naomi House

On Wednesday 26 June, a family visiting Naomi House took part in our very special annual tradition and paid our rent with a dozen red roses.

Every year, on or around Midsummer's Day, Naomi House & Jacksplace gives 12 red roses as a peppercorn rent to Naomi and David Cornelius-Reid. This tradition dates back to before Naomi House first opened in 1997. Naomi and David’s mother, Mary Cornelius-Reid, permitted the construction of a hospice on her land in the Sutton Manor Estate. In return, she requested a symbolic gesture: to name the hospice after her daughter, and to pay an annual rent of a dozen red roses. Mary sadly passed away in 2014, but the tradition lives on.

Group of adults and children stood together holding roses and smiling in sunny Naomi House garden
Four adults looking smart and summery stood together smiling in Naomi House garden

This year, Marlowe, who regularly visits Naomi House, her brother, Henley, and their mums, Clara and Ally presented the roses to Naomi and David. This was following a short speech from our Director of Care, Erika Lipscombe, surrounded by staff, children, young adults and families who gathered to mark the occasion.

Little boy giving metal rose to lady in pink floral dress stood in group of adults and children in a sunny garden

Erika said:

It was a joy to be part of paying our annual peppercorn rent, for the very first time. Midsummer’s Day marks a very special date in our diary. It’s a time when we celebrate the generosity of the Cornelius-Reid family and the difference they’ve made to hundreds of children, young adults and families in our care. It’s so wonderful that Naomi and David gifted the roses back to Marlowe and her family after the presentation, too. I’d like to thank them both for their continued generosity and support.

— Erika Lipscombe, Director of Care

This year, one of the red roses presented to Naomi was a beautiful hand-crafted metal rose. This rose marks the launch of Naomi House & Jacksplace’s brand new ‘Garden of Roses’ campaign. The charity has teamed up with local blacksmith, Lucille, of ‘Little Duck Forge’, to invite supporters and the public to be part of this special tradition and donate to receive a rose of their own. Lucille also came along to Naomi House to be part of the rose presentation.

Naomi Cornelius-Reid said:

Lady holding box of roses crounched down smiling next to little girl in pushchair wearing yellow dress with a tracheostomy

It’s an honour to continue the tradition on behalf of my mother and receive the dozen red roses, surrounded by children, families and staff at Naomi House & Jacksplace. It’s always a pleasure to visit the hospices, meet everybody, and share cake and tea together after the presentation. A lovely little detail was that the roses are ‘Naomi’ roses, which were my mother’s favourite. And this year, I was delighted to receive a handcrafted metal rose from the charity’s ‘Garden of Roses’ campaign.

— Naomi Cornelius-Reid

Garden of Roses

Be part of our tradition and donate for a very special rose of your own. Find out more about our Garden of Roses campaign.

Garden of Roses
a rose held in hands