60-year-old man completes 60 marathons

Group of runners with thumbs up

On Saturday 18 February, a 60-year-old man completed his fundraising challenge of running 60 marathons at the age of 60.

Steve Radjen, from Brockenhurst, Southampton, took on the challenge to raise money for Naomi House & Jacksplace, and so far, he’s raised over £200,000 our charity.

Steve running holding heart sign with fingers
Steve with look of relief crossing finish line

Steve completed his last marathon by crossing the finish line at our hospices, greeted by more than 50 cheering supporters. Supporting him getting through this final challenge were friends who’d chosen to run or cycle Steve’s last marathon with him. Children visiting the hospices, alongside staff and Steve’s family and friends, came out to cheer Steve on through the final moments of his herculean challenge.

Group of runners with families visiting Naomi House children

Steve Radjen started the challenge in August 2022, running his 26.2 mile marathons in all weather conditions; the heat of the summer and then the wet, cold and dark of winter. Throughout his challenge, Steve has still been working full time, so he’s been getting up at the crack of dawn to complete a marathon and then start work.

Steve said:

It’s been a hell of a journey. I couldn’t have done it without the help of friends who joined me running in torrential rain and blistering heat. My incredible wife, Gerry, has been there for me through the darkest days of the challenge and kept me going. I’ve done it for Naomi House & Jacksplace; for the children and families who use the hospices. I’ve been raising money for this amazing charity since 2005 and I’ve been a Trustee there for the past ten years. Thank you to everyone who’s given so generously.

— Steve Radjen, running legend
Steve making heart symbol with hands

Mark Smith, CEO of Naomi House & Jacksplace said:

What an amazing individual achievement. Steve, we are so grateful to you, for all of the voluntary work you have given to the charity as a Trustee and for the phenomenal fundraising challenges you have committed yourself to over the years. As a charity, we are dependent on voluntary contributions from the community, from people like Steve, so that we can keep on delivering expert care and support for the families who need our hospices. Thank you, Steve, you are an absolute inspiration.

— Mark Smith
Group at finish line

Steve took on the challenge to support our hospices. The incredible amount of funds raised through his remarkable challenge will go a long way in helping us continue delivering support to the families in our care.

To find out more or leave Steve a donation, click here to visit his JustGiving page.


An interview with the running legend

Hear from the running legend himself in this interview and watch the moment Steve crosses the finish line of his 60th marathon.

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