Family Stories

Naomi House & Jacksplace supports children, young adults and their families from across central southern England.  Each family has their own unique story to tell, and as they bravely speak through the videos and written stories below, you can find out how the hospices are there to support them on good days, difficult days and last days.

Callum and Terri 16

Callum's Story

Callum lives with his Mum, Dad, sister and twin brother at their home in Newbury, Berkshire. They receive regular respite care both in the home and at the hospices.

Read Callum's Story

Toby's Story

Toby and his family visit Naomi House & Jacksplace for regular respite stays. His mum, Gemma, shares their family story.

Read Toby's Story

Aiden's Story

Aiden's mum Karen, explains how Naomi House & Jacksplace were able to support her family during Aiden's last months.

Read Aiden's Story

Charlie's Story

Charlie and her family receive regular respite care and support at Naomi House & Jacksplace.

Read Charlie's Story